
Előadás 6. – Daniil Charms: CIRKUS MADRAŠ (with English subtitles)


Date: 09/12/2020

Place: streamed online on YouTube channel of Divadlo bez domova

Numbers of participants: staff – 3, homeless and other(wise) disadvantaged actors and actresses – 9, unique viewers – 34

Facebook event:


Spectacular clowns, extravagant artists and crazy animal tamers form a surreal panopticon of a strange circus, into which the citizen Nezbedkin (Naughtkin) – a man who has no talent, just too much desire to perform in the circus – tries to get.
Performance is suitable also for children from 5 years of age.

Divadlo bez domova is a community theatre, its actresses and actors are homeless people, people with physical disabilities, and other(wise) disadvantaged people.

Performed by: actors and actresses of Divadlo bez domova
Directed by: Uršuľa Kovalyk and Patrik Krebs
Dramaturgy by: Tomáš Kubiš
Music by: Oskar Rózsa
Scene and costume design and production by: Eva Matkuliaková
Video camera and technical support by: Jozef Bujna
Streaming and technical cooperation by: Adam Bujna, Patrik Matkuliak
English translation and subtitles by: Tomáš Kubiš, Patrik Matkuliak

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